Lashley's Essentials of Clinical Genetics in Nursing Practice

Lashley's Essentials of Clinical Genetics in Nursing Practice

حالة التوفر :   متوفر
30,000 دينار شامل الضريبة
النوع :

The second edition of Lashley’s Essentials of Clinical Genetics in Nursing Practice provides a comprehensive update to this classic text on genetics for students and nurses, with new information on the science, technology, and clinical application of genomics.

The book has a practical, clinically-oriented approach, and is in line with educational core competencies, as defined by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. At the center of genetic testing is the ability to provide individualized patient care, based on personal genetics and dispositions. This includes tests for specific diseases; the text presents material in a lifespan approach, which is most similar to the way it will be utilized in the practice setting.

